The Open Door: The Aha! Moment Story

The Open Door – is published in The Origins Journal. It is an anchor story in my book Moments in Transition: Stories of Maya and Jeena. I decided to place it towards the end of the novella. My logic, albeit obscure was that I want my reader to become curious about the tension in the …

Uptown Girl : Short Fiction

Published in The East Bay Review: You can now read my short story Uptown Girl for free. “Sophistication” is another word for that inventive mix of tolerance, resilience and resourcefulness city people develop. —Edward Hoagland In a few long strides, the elegant woman clicked her black heels across an expanse of opulent granite to park …

Color Me Happy

Pistachio ice cream, Tangerine whip. I read the names of the colors as I hold my mother’s hand by her index finger, tightly, while she chatters on with the man behind the desk of the paint store. What kinds of names are these I think: not green, not orange but pistachio ice cream, tangerine whip! …

Route 15 From Las Vegas

“..two roads diverged in the wood, and I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference…”: Robert Frost Roy jammed the 10 gallon hat on his head as he settled down on the hood of his Pontiac thunderbird. This time it looked to be a long wait and the sun was …

Animal Instinct

It started as a normal day. Monday morning, alarm, yawn, stretch, tumble out of bed, shower, blue uniform, and holster. Yeah don’t forget the gun. Ready for work. Just another day. Just another week. Alex sighed, straightened his tie with the right hand and reached for the briefcase with his left. Only it wasn’t in its …

Memorial Day is for Moms

Matt and Priya were classmates. I met Mrs. Manoukian for the first time when she came to drop Matt off for a birthday party. She rang the doorbell. “Can we stay too?” Matt ran in without pause. I saw Matt’s brother looking up at me. His chubby palm circled mommy’s manicured finger. His look was …

The Case of the Missing Coat

Lucy entered the hospital through a side entrance to avoid passing the front desk receptionist who might recognize her. She had waited in the dark alley and when the old man entered she briskly tailgated in. She overtook him with a brief nod keeping her face averted. Lucy wore the white coat she had stolen earlier. It looks enough like a doctor’s …

My First Friend

His name is Mahmoud. I don’t think anything of it even though I know no one else by that name. True, my mother’s name is Prakash and I have another aunt by that name. My father has a brother in law with the same name as his. So does uncle Sheel. But then, my name …