The Monsoon

write a poem about rain #bloganuary – An Elegy to Harriet Monroe The staccato rap-tap-tap of thunder heralds the short and wet season:From the Bay of Bengal, humid, earth-scented,Howling, darkening shadows across the parched Delhi sky.Scented with drops of water falling on arid earth, soaring, trees shuddering in a maddened dance of excitement, announcing its …

Why Do I Blog? A Crisis of Identity

More specifically, why do I write on a blog site? After about 2 years of maintaining Ramn Wright  I have stumbled upon the answer through sheer dumb luck. Or you might say it was written in stars. Soon after I wrote my first post , I knew why I should not blog. It takes time away from my “book-writing”; I spend gratuitous time tallying …

Do Brown People Tan?

I am not one to swoon in support of Bobby Jindal, the 13th or 15th (or is it 20th?) declared aspirant in the republican nomination – you know that guy – tanned and ready? Before he was tanned and ready he was American and not Indian American. And even before that he was Christian and not …