My Best Birthday Cake

Describe your perfect birthday cake. #bloganuary I grew up in India in a small town called Dehradun. Birthdays, in those days, did not rate as high as festivals like Holi, Diwali which celebrate the community rather than an individual. Probably special food was made and if possible, family or friends were present to give me …

How do you define success?

#bloganuary When I get up in the morning, and I don’t regret my actions of the day before, I call it success. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But it isn’t because it requires lifelong training, (from the self, teachers, colleagues, parents, nature) to create that kind of discipline. There is no better guide than the Bhagavad …

The Monsoon

write a poem about rain #bloganuary – An Elegy to Harriet Monroe The staccato rap-tap-tap of thunder heralds the short and wet season:From the Bay of Bengal, humid, earth-scented,Howling, darkening shadows across the parched Delhi sky.Scented with drops of water falling on arid earth, soaring, trees shuddering in a maddened dance of excitement, announcing its …

Why Do I Blog? A Crisis of Identity

More specifically, why do I write on a blog site? After about 2 years of maintaining Ramn Wright  I have stumbled upon the answer through sheer dumb luck. Or you might say it was written in stars. Soon after I wrote my first post , I knew why I should not blog. It takes time away from my “book-writing”; I spend gratuitous time tallying …

I Pledge Allegiance. Twice.

APJ Abdul Kalam, the 11th President of India passed away on July 27 2015. August 15 2015, India turned 68 years old.We celebrated independence day and honored APJ: his dedication to science, education and patriotism to India. In these days of deep divisions, I believe, in death Abdul Kalam wanted to send us a strong message. APJ, a Muslim born of …

Day Five: Love Your Theme

A funny thing happened at the gym. There I was, sweating on the treadmill, thinking about themes, not getting anywhere. Then it so happened that I looked up and the TV monitor facing me advised “Life is too short. Have an affair.” Before you get the wrong idea, let me just up and say I love Blogging 101. …

Ageless in Alien Worlds

….  I, to the world am like a drop of water That in the ocean seeks another drop, ….. William Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors     We made it! We made it on time; equipped with low chairs, a picnic basket and adequately chilled wine. The setting sun casts an orange glow over the grassy slope where we …

Do Brown People Tan?

I am not one to swoon in support of Bobby Jindal, the 13th or 15th (or is it 20th?) declared aspirant in the republican nomination – you know that guy – tanned and ready? Before he was tanned and ready he was American and not Indian American. And even before that he was Christian and not …